/* ========================== */ /* ==== helper functions ==== */ isie = false; var isipad = (navigator.useragent.match(/ipad/i) != null); $.fn.isafter = function (sel) { return this.prevall(sel).length !== 0; } $.fn.isbefore = function (sel) { return this.nextall(sel).length !== 0; } function validatedata($attr, $defaultvalue) { if ($attr !== undefined) { return $attr } return $defaultvalue; } function parseboolean(str, $defaultvalue) { if (str == 'true') { return true; } return $defaultvalue; //return /true/i.test(str); } /* ============================================= */ /* ==== google map - asynchronous loading ==== */ function initmap() { "use strict"; jquery(".googlemap").each(function () { var atcenter = ""; var $this = jquery(this); var location = $this.data("location"); var offset = -30; if (validatedata($this.data("offset"))) { offset = $this.data("offset"); } if (validatedata(location)) { var draggable = true; if (($.browser.mobile)||(isipad)) { draggable = false; } $this.gmap3({ marker: { //latlng: [40.616439, -74.035540], address: location, options: { visible: false }, callback: function (marker) { atcenter = marker.getposition(); } }, map: { options: { //maxzoom:11, zoom: 18, maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.satellite, // ('roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid','terrain'); scrollwheel: false, draggable: draggable, disabledoubleclickzoom: false, //disabledefaultui: true, maptypecontroloptions: { //maptypeids: [google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap, google.maps.maptypeid.hybrid], //style: google.maps.maptypecontrolstyle.horizontal_bar, //position: google.maps.controlposition.right_center maptypeids: [] } }, events: { idle: function () { if (!$this.data('idle')) { $this.gmap3('get').panby(0, offset); $this.data('idle', true); } } } }, overlay: { //latlng: [40.616439, -74.035540], address: location, options: { content: '
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var percentage = $innerbar.attr("data-percentage"); $innerbar.addclass("animating").css("width", percentage + "%"); $innerbar.on('transitionend webkittransitionend otransitionend otransitionend mstransitionend', function () { $this.find(".pro-level").fadein(600); }); }); }, {accy: -100}); } /* ================== */ /* ==== isotope ==== */ if (($.isotope) && ($('#blog-list.withmasonry').length > 0)) { jquery(window).load(function () { // blog masonry var $blogcontainer = $('#blog-list.withmasonry'), // object that will keep track of options isotopeoptions = {}, // defaults, used if not explicitly set in hash defaultoptions = { itemselector: '.blog-item', layoutmode: 'sloppymasonry', resizable: false, // disable normal resizing // set columnwidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { } }; $(window).smartresize(function () { $blogcontainer.isotope({ // update columnwidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { } }); }); // set up isotope $blogcontainer.isotope(defaultoptions, function () { // fix for height dynamic content settimeout(function () { $blogcontainer.isotope('relayout'); }, 1000); }); }); } if (($.isotope) && ($('#gallerycontainer').length > 0)) { // gallery isotope jquery(window).load(function () { var $container = jquery('#gallerycontainer'), // object that will keep track of options isotopeoptions = {}, // defaults, used if not explicitly set in hash defaultoptions = { filter: '*', itemselector: '.galleryitem', sortby: 'original-order', layoutmode: 'sloppymasonry', sortascending: true, resizable: false, // disable normal resizing // set columnwidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { } }; $(window).smartresize(function () { $container.isotope({ // update columnwidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { } }); }); // set up isotope $container.isotope(defaultoptions); var $optionsets = jquery('#galleryfilters'), isoptionlinkclicked = false; // switches selected class on buttons function changeselectedlink($elem) { // remove selected class on previous item $elem.parents('.option-set').find('.btn-primary').removeclass('btn-primary'); // set selected class on new item $elem.addclass('btn-primary'); 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'best-available' : 'none', // apply defaults where no option was specified options = jquery.extend({}, defaultoptions, hashoptions, { animationengine: aniengine }); // apply options from hash $container.isotope(options); // save options isotopeoptions = hashoptions; // if option link was not clicked // then we'll need to update selected links if (!isoptionlinkclicked) { // iterate over options var hrefobj, hrefvalue, $selectedlink; for (var key in options) { hrefobj = {}; hrefobj[ key ] = options[ key ]; // convert object into parameter string // i.e. { filter: '.inner-transition' } -> 'filter=.inner-transition' hrefvalue = jquery.param(hrefobj); // get matching link $selectedlink = $optionsets.find('a[href="#' + hrefvalue + '"]'); changeselectedlink($selectedlink); } } isoptionlinkclicked = false; hashchanged = true; })// trigger hashchange to capture any hash data on init .trigger('hashchange'); }); } $(window).load(function () { /* ==================== */ /* ==== flexslider ==== */ if (($().flexslider) && ($(".flexslider").length > 0)) { $('.flexslider.std-slider').each(function () { var $this = $(this); // initialize $this.find(".slides > li").each(function () { var $slide_item = $(this); var bg = validatedata($slide_item.attr('data-bg'), false); if (bg) { $slide_item.css('background-image', 'url("' + bg + '")'); } $slide_item.css('min-height', $this.attr('data-height') + "px"); // hide slider content due to fade animation /* $slide_item.find(".inner").hide(); $slide_item.find(".inner [data-fx]").each(function () { $(this).removeclass("animated"); }) */ }) var loop = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr("data-loop")), false); var smooth = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr("data-smooth")), false); var slideshow = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr("data-slideshow")), false); var speed = validatedata(parseint($this.attr('data-speed')), 7000); var animspeed = validatedata(parseint($this.attr("data-animspeed")), 600); var controls = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr('data-controls')), false); var dircontrols = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr('data-dircontrols')), false); $this.flexslider({ animation: "fade", //string: select your animation type, "fade" or "slide" animationloop: loop, //boolean: should the animation loop? if false, directionnav will received "disable" classes at either end smoothheight: smooth, //{new} boolean: allow height of the slider to animate smoothly in horizontal mode slideshow: slideshow, //boolean: animate slider automatically slideshowspeed: speed, //integer: set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds animationspeed: animspeed, //integer: set the speed of animations, in milliseconds // primary controls controlnav: controls, //boolean: create navigation for paging control of each clide? note: leave true for manualcontrols usage directionnav: dircontrols, //boolean: create navigation for previous/next navigation? (true/false) touch:false, pauseonhover: true, //boolean: pause the slideshow when hovering over slider, then resume when no longer hovering prevtext: " ", //string: set the text for the "previous" directionnav item nexttext: " ", usecss: false, // callback api start: function () { //$this.removeclass("loading-slider"); settimeout(function () { $this.find(".slides > li.flex-active-slide .inner [data-fx]").each(function () { var $content = $(this); $content.addclass($content.data('fx')).addclass("activate"); }) }, 650); }, before: function () { $this.find(".slides > li .inner [data-fx]").each(function () { var $content = $(this); $content.removeclass($content.data('fx')).removeclass("activate"); }) }, //callback: function(slider) - fires asynchronously with each slider animation after: function () { settimeout(function () { $this.find(".slides > li.flex-active-slide .inner [data-fx]").each(function () { var $content = $(this); $content.addclass($content.data('fx')).addclass("activate"); }) }, 150); }, //callback: function(slider) - fires after each slider animation completes end: function () { }, //callback: function(slider) - fires when the slider reaches the last slide (asynchronous) added: function () { }, //{new} callback: function(slider) - fires after a slide is added removed: function () { } //{new} callback: function(slider) - fires after a slide is removed }); }); $('.flexslider.carousel-slider').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var slideshow = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr("data-slideshow")), false); var speed = validatedata(parseint($this.attr('data-speed')), 7000); var animspeed = validatedata(parseint($this.attr("data-animspeed")), 600); var loop = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr("data-loop")), false); var min = validatedata(parseint($this.attr('data-min')), 1); var max = validatedata(parseint($this.attr("data-max")), 3); var move = validatedata(parseint($this.attr("data-move")), 0); var controls = validatedata(parseboolean($this.attr('data-controls')), false); 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